Responding to
a global challenge

The critical role of
the real estate industry

Icade sets strong
low-carbon goals

Keeping global temperatures from rising more than 2°C, with an ideal target of 1.5°C, as recommended by scientific experts and the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change.

This industry is responsible for 25% of greenhouse gas emissions in France and therefore has an important role to play in achieving this objective.

Icade, a low-carbon pioneer

1st private office building to receive the HQE Construction certification in France

1st green leases and committees with tenants to address environmental issues

1st developer to obtain the E+C- label (positive energy and low carbon) for an office building

Icade has unveiled its Purpose which makes climate-related issues central to how it does business.

SBTi validates Icade's 1.5°C trajectory, according to the "Net Zero" Standard

The new Reshape 2024-2028 plan, which includes low-carbon one of its strategic priorities

Designing, Building, Managing and Investing in cities, neighbourhoods and buildings that are innovative, diverse, inclusive and connected with a reduced carbon footprint.
Desirable places to live and work.
This is our ambition. This is our goal.
This is our Purpose.

Why has Icade taken ambitious commitments
to mitigating climate change?

of CO2 emissions are produced by the real estate industry in France

The real estate industry is a large producer of greenhouse gases and has, as a result, a major impact on climate change. In response to this issue, France has set an objective to reduce its emissions.

Objective for France’s
real estate industry:
-49% reduction in CO2 emissions between 2015 and 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2050

In 2022, Icade is strengthening its approach by aligning itself with a 1.5°C trajectory, with a goal of net zero emissions by 2050 validated by the SBTi. Its climate and biodiversity strategy and results have been the subject of resolutions at General Shareholders Meetings every year since 2022.

For Icade, this environmentally responsible approach is designed to benefit its customers and involve its partners and employees.

our impact
Working on reducing
our carbon footprint
with our partners
Contributing to the
development of carbon
sinks in France

1 Measuring
our impact


Emissions from building construction and their use for 50 years.

(scope 3)


Emissions from buildings construction.

(scope 3)


Emissions from energy consumption by tenants.

(scopes 1, 2 & 3)


Emissions from energy consumption by buildings occupied by Icade and the home-work and business trips of its employees.

(scopes 1, 2 & 3)

91 %

3 %

5 %

1 %

Icade’s total emissions in 2024:
289867 tonnes of CO2eq.

2 Working on reducing
our carbon footprint
with our partners


Reduce carbon intensity per sq.m by 41%
between 2019 and 2030
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Improve building envelopes and opt for bioclimatic architecture

Use low-carbon, biosourced and
reused materials

Developing renovation projects

Install low-energy equipment and use low-carbon energy sources

63 %
of projects are powered
by low-carbon energy sources in 2024

Low-carbon offers

Ville en Vue and AfterWork, two offers dedicated to rebuilding the city within the city.

Icade gets

home buyers involved

Guarantee energy performance

Icade has implemented a quality-assurance process for its customers that guarantees the expected energy performance of buildings through commissioning.

Raise awareness of eco-friendly practices

The Property Development Division has provided future buyers with a digital user guide that offers tips on improving the energy performance of their homes.


Reduce carbon intensity per sq.m by 60% between 2019 and 2030

Renovate buildings and install
energy-efficient equipment

Integrate low-carbon energy
in buildings

Take energy and carbon
into account when acquiring buildings and for all new builds

Enhance the climate resilience
of our buildings

Pulse project

The 28,860 sq.m Pulse office building in Saint-Denis has been awarded the most demanding labels and certifications: NF HQE Excellent, BREEAM In-Use Excellent, E2C1 and BBCA Excellent. Thanks to its bioclimatic architecture and high-performance energy systems, Pulse minimises its energy requirements.

Learn more
reduction in carbon intensity
between 2019 and 2024

Icade gets

office tenants involved

Develop environmental committees and implement the Committed Climate lease

Environmental committees are bodies dedicated to raising tenants' awareness of reducing their energy, water and waste consumption. To go further, Icade offers its tenants a new generation contract, the Committed Climate lease, to support them in a partnership manner in reducing their greenhouse gas emissions, so that they contribute to carbon neutrality of French territory.

Improving the energy consumption of buildings

Provide a wide range of sustainable transport solutions: electric shuttle buses, charging stations for electric vehicles, ride-sharing, bicycle parking areas, etc.


Reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by 30% between 2019 and 2030

Feature efficient buildings
and use low-carbon energy

Reinforce the sustainable

Develop a digital sobriety strategy

-20 %

decrease in CO2 emissions related to employee transport and building occupancy between 2019 and 2024.

Icade gets

its employees involved

Improving the energy consumption of buildings and accelerate sobriety actions

Icade makes its employees aware of saving energy in the buildings they occupy by offering awareness-raising workshops and encouraging digital sobriety.

Sustainable mobility

Icade is reducing the carbon footprint of its company car fleet by excluding the most polluting models, electrifying the fleet, and promoting sustainable mobility for its employees by rolling out a Sustainable Mobility Package, 80% of which is paid for by the employer.

A closer look at... climate investments

Icade is planning an investment plan of 145 million euros between 2024 and 2030 with €22 million already invested in 2024 to finance work to improve the energy performance of its assets and innovative low-carbon solutions.

€145 million

3 Contributing to the
development of carbon
sinks in France

What is a voluntary climate contribution?

It is a way to finance projects conducted by third parties whose activities sequester CO2 emissions in France and abroad.

Voluntary climate contribution as seen by Icade


Icade considers that carbon contribution comes in addition to its carbon reduction efforts. The certified carbon units that are financed are never deducted from our carbon footprint.


Icade finances projects backed by the French Bas Carbone label and includes reinforced requirements in relation to the label on the diversity of species, biodiversity, soil protection and dieback thresholds for post-disaster reforestation projects.


The projects financed by Icade are carried out on French territory.

Environmental and social co-benefits

The selected projects generate additional carbon benefits: biodiversity, socio-economic, water resources, soil preservation.

Voluntary climate contribution to the development of carbon sinks initiated in 2019

Icade is part of a logic of voluntary additional contribution aimed at developing the carbon sinks of its areas of intervention. It has set up a mechanism for contributing to carbon neutrality in France which covers the emissions of its Property Investment division between 2019 and 2024, i.e. 120,000 tonnes of CO2eq. . Icade also financed a carbon contribution equivalent to the emissions of its Corporate section in 2022 and 2024, i.e. about 7,000 tonnes of CO2eq. . The extension of this mechanism is being studied for the Property Development division. Note that this is an anticipated calculation on the lifespan of afforestation and reforestation actions, i.e. 30 years for projects labeled Low Carbon.

127000 tCO2eq.of carbon contribution financed

Our partners of choice


La Société Forestière

Emanating from Icade’s start-up studio Urban Odyssey, STOCK CO2 is dedicated to carbon contribution financing in France.

This subsidiary of Caisse des dépôts is a leading player in the French forestry and wood industry. It has positioned itself as a manager of forestry projects that aim to obtain the French Low-Carbon Label.

Alliance Forêts Bois

1st expert cooperative in forest management, Alliance Forêts Bois operates throughout the territory, upstream and downstream, for production dedicated to lumber, wood energy and industry.

Learn more about our strategy « Low Carbon by Icade »