On this page, you will find a description of the certifications and labels that Icade uses most frequently for its construction and renovation projects and its assets in operation.
It is based on 16 headings - thermal comfort, acoustic quality, luminosity, indoor air quality, safety and security, etc.
It is based on more than 20 headings divided into 4 areas: quality of life (indoor air quality, acoustic comfort, etc.), respect for the environment (energy, carbon, etc.), economic performance and responsible management.
It takes into account 8 criteria - energy management, pollution control, water management, waste recovery, use of innovative processes, people management, access to sustainable transport, health and well-being of occupants.
The criteria are based on 6 main themes - site development, water management, energy performance, use and management of materials and resources, indoor environmental quality and innovation.
Depending on its operations, Icade uses specific labels for certain themes.
This label assesses the ecological performance of buildings through 4 axes: commitment, ecological value, ecological reinforcement and biophilic reinforcement.
Energy / carbon
It certifies both the energy performance of a new building and the control of greenhouse gas emissions over its entire life cycle.
This label recognises energy performance that goes beyond the requirements of environmental regulations.
This label promotes the use of bio-based materials (wood, hemp, straw, flax, sheep's wool, etc.) in new construction.
This label recognises the low-carbon performance of a building during renovation.
Multi-criteria environmental labels adapted to the regional context
This label is based on 5 principles guaranteeing system security and interoperability.
It assesses the connectivity and digital infrastructure of assets.
The OsmoZ approach is based on 5 key principles - environmental health, collective approach, building functionality, communication and social links, work-life balance and healthy living.
This label offers a holistic approach to the health and well-being of occupants, based on 102 criteria.
For information on sustainable property labels, you can also consult the map of the Observatoire de l'Immobilier Durable : https://resources.taloen.fr/resources/documents/9008_cartographie_des_labels__OID_2024.pdf and https://oid-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/taloen/resources/public/resources/documents/818_OID_-_Guide_labels_et_certifications_2024_-_Version_complete.pdf