A great success for the bidding consortium: the project selected, relating to the development of residential and office buildings for a total of over 44,000 sq.m, arose from the collaborative efforts of all the partners, involving the teams of the Brittany-Normandy Regional Agency and Synergies Urbaines at ICADE Promotion.
Through the University Hospital’s sale of this undeveloped land in Caen, the consortium aspires to develop a new residential neighbourhood which will be both vibrant and family-friendly. The “Grands Jardins de Calix” project was designed based on the site’s landscaping potential, alongside the Thierry Laverne firm (landscape architects/urban planners) and the Cobe firm (architects/urban planners), to create harmony between nature and new habits and lifestyles. The overall project covers more than about 44,000 sq.m, including 5,000 sq.m to be refurbished, with:
- 600 housing units on close to 40,000 sq.m,
- 3,000 sq.m of office space designed in buildings which will be preserved and refurbished,
- 1,600 sq.m of buildings to accommodate third places which will enliven the site, including concierge services in the gatehouses, eating areas in a manor, a gardener’s lodge in a retrofitted, existing building, a food court and literary café in a converted chapel, activity areas, etc.
- Shared outdoor spaces including collective vegetable gardens, a weekly open-air market, etc
Construction is scheduled to start by the end of 2020.