29 November 2019 17:45 • News

Following a competitive selection process organised by SOLIDEO (public-sector entity tasked with delivering the Olympic facilities) for the Olympic and Paralympic Village in Saint-Ouen- sur-Seine, the project led by a consortium made up of Icade, Caisse des Dépôts (Banque des Territoires) and CDC Habitat has been chosen by the Board of Directors of SOLIDEO to build Block D (“Les Quinconces”).

The Consortium—which also draws on the expertise of Caisse des Dépôts Group subsidiaries, namely EGIS and CDC Biodiversité—will build a complex covering over 48,000 sq.m with capacity to house 3,000 athletes coming from all over the world. It has been conceived from the very start with local communities in mind, meaning that once the event is over, the Olympic and Paralympic Village will be transformed into an urban neighbourhood designed for its residents and deeply rooted in its surrounding area.

Les Quinconces - Axonometric projection (Architects: UAPS, ECDM, Brenac & Gonzalez & Associés, Atelier Pascal Gontier, NP2F, Post-Office Architectes) (numbers relate to the project’s different components)

Les Quinconces - Axonometric projection (Architects: UAPS, ECDM, Brenac & Gonzalez & Associés, Atelier Pascal Gontier, NP2F, Post-Office Architectes) (numbers relate to the project’s different components)


“Les Quinconces” will be in line with the masterplan drawn up by Dominique Perrault, Urban Planner at SOLIDEO. In order to meet the urban and architectural challenges posed by this project, the Consortium has reliedon a team of French architects combining well-established firms and young, promising firms: UAPS(lead architect), ECDM, Brenac & Gonzalez & Associés, Atelier Pascal Gontier, NP2F and Post-Office Architectes.

An inclusive project, serving the Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine and Plaine Commune areas as well as their local communities

With a number of different residential and commercial property projects promoting social and job diversity, Caisse des Dépôts, Icade and CDC Habitat want the new neighbourhood to foster social cohesion and contribute to the transformation that has been underway in this area for several years.

Providing comprehensive, inclusive housing solutions, “Les Quinconces” will consist of:

652 homes designed for every need

245 housing units for sale (1)

93 social housing rental units for families (2)

99 intermediate housing rental units (3)

a 150-room student residence (Twenty Campus) (5)a 65-studio social housing residence intended primarily for people with disabilities (ADOMA) (4)

Particular attention has been paid to the design, comfort and quality of use of the homes. As a result, all living areas will extend to outdoor spaces (continuous balconies).

Nearly 3,000 sq.m of ground-level spaces open to the public to enliven the neighbourhood and meetthe needs of local residents. The project’s key features, designed in partnership with Grand Réservoir,relies on local stakeholders:

Social Sport Club, 1,700 sq.m dedicated to sport—in partnership with UCPA and Brahim Asloum—culture for all and restaurants (6)

The Image hub, 400 sq.m of coworking space focused on new media and the photographic and moving image industries (9) and (10)Studio Bleu, 350 sq.m of dance studios (7)

Ecolab, a 300-sq.m neighbourhood concierge service provided by Régies de Quartier in conjunction with the Truffaut foundation, dedicated to raising awareness of the ecological transition and assisting residents in environmentally friendly practices (8)

350 sq.m of local services (childcare centre, restaurants, shops) and employment assistance (an “AXEL, vos services pour l’emploi” office) (11)

Les Gradins, 9,300 sq.m of office space ,

designed to encourage collaborative and flexible work. (12)

Les Quinconces - View of the façade overlooking the Seine and the Social Sport Club (designed by architect firms UAPS, Brenac & Gonzalez & Associés)

Les Quinconces - View of the façade overlooking the Seine and the Social Sport Club (designed by architect firms UAPS, Brenac & Gonzalez & Associés)


A demonstration project aiming to achieve the highest environmental goals

To meet the goals of the Paris Agreement and the environmental requirements set out by SOLIDEO and local authorities, “Les Quinconces” will feature:

Bioclimatic building design (buildings facing in two directions, buildings of different heights to maximise the amount of sun, continuous balconies along the south façade acting as shading devices, etc.)

A 3,000-sq.m urban forest, a genuine urban cool island promoting biodiversity (designed by TN+ and CDC Biodiversité). Further aided by rooftop gardens, the forest ensures that athletes will feel comfortable in the summer of 2024 and will contribute to mitigating the urban heat island effect. 

Low carbon construction through the use of wood or a mix of wood and low-carbon concrete. The wood used will come from sustainably managed forests with PEFC or FSC certification. This building challenge has been taken up by the EGIS and Berim engineering firms and will combine French expertise in wood and off-site construction.

Exemplary in terms of energy performance, the project aims to obtain the Biodivercity and E+C- labels (E3C2 for 7-storey residential buildings, E3C1 for 10-storey residential buildings, E2C1 for office buildings). 
It will provide innovative energy production solutions based on Agrinergie (a combination of photovoltaic shade structures and vegetable growing). The Cycle building (8) will be the testing ground for new solutions involving water and bio-waste with the local area and surrounding farmland

Discover the project



Parties involved in the project:


  • CDC, Icade, CDC Habitat: Project Owners 
  • Icade Promotion (in partnership with REI Habitat): Consortium’s Delegated Project Manager 
  • CDC Habitat: investor for the residential section
  • Banque des territoires and Icade: investors for the offices and ground level active use space (shops, business premises, services)
  • Lead architect: UAPS
  • Architects: ECDM, Brenac & Gonzalez & Associés, Atelier Pascal Gontier, NP2F, Post-Office Architectes
  • Landscape architect: TN+
  • Engineering consultants: BERIM, EGIS Bâtiment, Oasiis, SOCOTEC 


Anticipated timeline 

  • December 17, 2019: Signing of a preliminary agreement to sell
  • End of May 2020: Building permit applied for 
  • 2021: Construction start
  • March 1, 2024: Olympic and Paralympic Village handed over to the OCOG and marketing process started for the residential units 
  • November 2024: Facilities handed back by the OCOG, conversion work started by the project company and off-plan sale agreements signed for the residential units that have been subject to a preliminary reservation agreement
  • Between June 2025 and April 2026: Handover to the buyers and investors once the conversion work has been completed
Number of homes in "Les Quinconces"
3000 sq.m
"Les Quinconces" - ground-level spaces open to the public to enliven the neighbourhood


Marylou Ravix

Press Relations

Anne-Violette Faugeras

Head of financing and investor relations