Icade has made preserving biodiversity one of its five CSR priority issues.

It has set ambitious quantifiable targets for its three business lines for the period 2019–2022 in terms of reintegrating nature into cities, promoting a net positive impact on biodiversity and restoring the most fragile ecosystems.

In 2019, Icade exceeded its goals, some of them three years ahead of schedule:

Office Property Investment
100% of the business parks with a net positive impact on biodiversity as early as 2019, above the 50% target for 2022 
100% of business parks with green spaces covered by the ÉcoJardin label as early as 2017

Healthcare Property Investment
100% of the land area developed as part of developing new property projects resulting in the restoration of an equivalent area under Nature 2050

Icade Promotion
36% of the new builds with a net positive impact on biodiversity (above the 25% target in 2020)

Icade developed an action plan with the support of Egis and CDC Biodiversité (involvement in the Nature 2050 programme, protection of biodiversity from the design stage of buildings, inclusion of biodiversity labels and certifications in new projects, investments in partnerships including R&D, to promote biodiversity, and biodiversity performance contracts).

Watch Olivier Wigniolle’s video on our CSR results:

Olivier Wigniolle

Olivier Wigniolle Former Chief Executive Officer (2015-2023)

“These encouraging results confirm that Icade’s commitment to biodiversity is a long-term process that is an integral part of both its CSR strategy and Purpose. In addition, we are working on creating an indicator to quantify a company’s net positive impact on biodiversity with Club B4B+ and have been involved in the act4nature initiative since 2018.”

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