As a major player in urban development, Icade has made the fight against climate change and the protection of biodiversity a priority in its commitments and its vision of the city of tomorrow. Nature plays a central role in this vision.
2 June 2022 • News
The current heatwave is a reminder, if one were needed, of the reality of global warming, even in our temperate countries.
As a major player in urban development, Icade has made the fight against climate change and the protection of biodiversity a priority in its commitments and its vision of the city of tomorrow. Nature plays a central role in this vision.
« "Icade Promotion has a decisive role to play in this area by integrating nature into the heart of all its housing programs.” »
Icade Promotion has a decisive role to play in this area, by integrating nature into the heart of all its housing programs. This is not only one of the solutions to the challenges of climate change and biodiversity, but also a response to the new aspirations of the French: 93%* of them believe that the presence of an outdoor space is an important criterion when looking for a home. As a source of well-being, nature has clearly become predominant in our quest for quality of life.
To give concrete expression to this commitment, we have launched the "One tree, one resident" program: for all new building permit applications submitted from 2022 onwards, we undertake to plant one tree per resident of the residence**. If the characteristics of the project do not allow us to achieve this objective on the project itself, we will implement it in concentric circles in the neighborhood, the commune or beyond.
*Ipsos survey for Icade
**ICADE real estate programs for which building permit applications have been submitted from 2022 onwards; i.e. 2.5 trees counted per housing unit sold at retail, compared with the average of 2.5 inhabitants per housing unit in France according to INSEE. A tree: a plant specimen at least 60 cm tall with a shrub-like habit, capable of living for several years in the conditions in which it was planted.