6 July 2022 • News
Vertuo, a start-up from Urban Odyssey, Icade's start-up studio, is one of six winners of the 2022 Call for Expressions of Interest (AMI) launched by the Transition Forum association. The AMI aims to promote existing initiatives and contribute to the creation of new forms of cooperation to meet the environmental challenges of our century.
The winners of the second edition of the AMI "Innovating for the ecological transition of territories" were unveiled this Tuesday, July 5, 2022.
Start-up Vertuo is one of the 6 winners alongside Bois Bocage Energie, BoucL Energie, DRM Polynésie Française, Eco In Pack, H2OPE.
Vertuo manufactures and markets "turnkey urban" solutions for rainwater reclamation. Working together for several years, Elodie Stephan, Baptiste Laurent and Icade, through its "Urban Odyssey" start-up studio, have developed Vertuo, with the support of Paris&Co's Urban Lab.
The AMI is open to any company, local authority, public institution or association proposing an exemplary project in the field of ecological transition, in cooperation with territories/businesses. The 2nd edition of the call for expressions of interest was in partnership with Banque des Territoires, Aqua Asset Management and La Tribune.