Perspective of blocks D1 and D2 - Athletes Village at Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine (93)

Construction of a 52,000 m² complex designed to accommodate 3,000 athletes from all over the world. From the outset, the project was conceived in "legacy" mode. The Athletes Village, which will accommodate a total of nearly 15,000 athletes, will be transformed, as soon as the Games are over, into a real city district designed for its residents and firmly rooted in its local area.

  • Location Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine (93)
  • Status For lease
  • Acquisition January 2021
  • Mission Developer of the property complex with CDC and CDC HABITAT/Investor in the office building with CDC
  • Typology Mixed-use development project
  • Floor area (in m²) 52000
  • Architect uapS (lead architect), ECDM, Brenac & Gonzalez & Associés, Atelier Pascal Gontier, NP2F, Fagart & Fontana, TN (landscape architect)
  • For housing


    E3 C2 for R+6 buildings, E3 C1 for R+9 buildings, E2 C1 for offices, BiodiverCity

  • For offices


    BREEAM Excellent, HQE Batiments durables Excellent, Osmoz, R2S 1*, Biosourcé, BiodiverCity

  • Location Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine (93)
  • Status For lease
  • Acquisition January 2021
  • Mission Developer of the property complex with CDC and CDC HABITAT/Investor in the office building with CDC
  • Typology Mixed-use development project
  • Floor area (in m²) 52000
  • Architect uapS (lead architect), ECDM, Brenac & Gonzalez & Associés, Atelier Pascal Gontier, NP2F, Fagart & Fontana, TN (landscape architect)

This property development is unprecedented in terms of its environmental and social ambitions, but also in terms of the fact that it will be completed in half the time required for a conventional site. ‘Les Quinconces’ is the result of an exceptional collective effort to create a living neighbourhood that will meet the needs and lifestyles of future generations.

Accessibility, low-carbon construction, energy efficiency, biodiversity, re-use - the 13 buildings (12 housing units and 1 office block) are exemplary in their approach, embodying the very best of the more sustainable and inclusive city of the future.

With diversified housing and business programmes that promote social and employment diversity, Caisse des Dépôts, Icade and CDC Habitat are creating a new district that fosters social cohesion and contributes to the dynamic of change that has been underway in this area for several years.

Discover this micro-neighbourhood virtually with ‘At the heart of the Athletes’ Village’, an immersive experience rich in educational content, mini-games, interviews and videos highlighting the assets and wealth of the village.

A complete and inclusive residential pathway:

"Les Quinconces" comprises 643 homes for everyone:

  • 240 homes for first-time buyers 
  • 95 social rental family homes 
  • 100 intermediate rental homes, 
  • 60 homes in the social residence managed by Adoma (a subsidiary of CDC Habitat), with priority given to people with disabilities,
  • a 148-room student residence (Sergic).

A reversible district:

The Quinconces project is divided into two phases: the first aims to create temporary accommodation for Olympic and Paralympic athletes; the second phase will result in a permanent city district.

From the outset, the buildings have been designed to facilitate this transformation, with modular spaces and flexibility of use. This approach has been made possible by the use of a specifically created dual-status building permit, which allows a building to be used for two distinct purposes over time

A place to meet and exchange ideas:

The district is also intended to be a place where people can meet and exchange ideas. Future residents will have access to 3,400 m² of public spaces on the ground floor of the buildings, to liven up neighbourhood life and meet their expectations. The programme will include

  • The Social Sport Club, 1,300 m² dedicated to sport, culture for all and catering,
  • 400 m² of dance studios,
  • L'Ecolab, a 300 m² neighbourhood concierge centre dedicated to teaching residents about the ecological transition and helping them to adopt eco-friendly practices,
  • Les Gradins, 9,300 m² of office space. By welcoming businesses and promoting employment, "Les Gradins" will contribute to the development of the tertiary sector in the Saint-Denis-Pleyel district.

A demonstrator programme with high environmental ambitions:

Icade's ambition with this programme is to change regulations to pave the way for more environmentally-friendly building sites. A veritable open-air laboratory for new ways of building, the Quinconces project has made it possible to remove an unprecedented number of constraints in record time, particularly on the use of wood, thereby changing the legal framework so that sustainable construction becomes the new norm.

"Les Quinconces" incorporates:

A bioclimatic design for the buildings (double orientation, play of heights between the different buildings to maximise sunlight, balconies on the facade acting as sunshades, etc.),

At its centre, the "fresh forest", a 3,000m² island of greenery and biodiversity (designed by landscape architects TN+), deliberately retains a ‘wild’ appearance and allows the vegetation to grow freely, as in a wood in the Paris region. Providing shade, it improves air quality and effectively combats the heat island effect. All the rainwater from the roofs is channelled to a wetland below, creating an environment that is particularly rich in biodiversity.

Low-carbon construction in wood or mixed wood/concrete. The wood used comes from sustainably managed forests with PEFC or FSC certification. This is a construction challenge involving the EGIS, Berim and OASIIS design offices, combining French expertise in the timber industry and off-site construction. 100% of the facades are made of timber frame construction (FOB).

It includes energy production solutions based on on-site photovoltaics. The Cycle building is a pilot for the introduction of innovative solutions for recycling grey and black water and bio-waste. 10% of electricity consumption ( will be generated from renewable energy sources thanks to photovoltaic panels on 5 housing buildings.

75% of the materials used during the Paris 2024 Olympic Games (carpets, partitions, etc.) will be reused, and 10% of the 7 final elements chosen for the project will be reused.

A showcase of major innovations:

"Les Quinconces" is a life-size demonstration of the latest innovations implemented by Icade, Caisse des Dépôts and CDC Habitat. This sector embodies the best of French expertise in sustainable innovation.

To achieve the goals of accessibility and sustainability, the Group has introduced bold innovations validated by the CSTB (Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment) under ATEX (Autorisations Techniques d'Expérimentations), which will benefit the entire industry:

  • 1 ATEX for walk-in showers on wooden floors. This innovation makes it possible to build inclusive, low-carbon bathrooms.
  • 5 ATEXs for the installation of façade materials on timber-frame façades.

The implementation of ATEx requires the mobilisation of a whole ecosystem (control offices, manufacturers, insurers, etc.) and, beyond the site for which they were drawn up, enables practices to evolve and new standards to be established for the sector. This in-depth work is a real innovation accelerator for the entire industry, and in particular an essential lever for large-scale low-carbon construction.


Provisional calendar

  • 17 December 2019: Signing of the promise to sell
  • 29 January 2021: Signing of the deed of sale
  • 2021 : Start of construction work
  • 1 March 2024: Handover to the OCOG of the Athletes Village and launch of the “Mundo” home ownership scheme
  • 1st November 2024: Handover of the facilities by the OCOG, start of conversion work
  • January 2026: Handover to buyers and investors following conversion work


Sale coming soon

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Florence Chahid Nourai

Directrice Grands Projets Résidentiel IDF